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Main.cpp /* * Stochy main file * * Created on: 14 Nov 2017 * Author: nathalie */ #include "taskExec.h" #include "time.h" #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::cout << " _______ _______ _______ _______ __ __ __ __ " << std::endl; std::cout << "| || || || || | | || | | |" << std::endl; std::cout << "| _____||_ _|| _ || || |_| || |_| |" << std::endl; std::cout << "| |_____ | | | | | || || || |" << std::endl; std::cout << "|_____ | | | | |_| || _|| ||_ _|" << std::endl; std::cout << " _____| | | | | || |_ | _ | | | " << std::endl; std::cout << "|_______| |___| |_______||_______||__| |__| |___| " << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << " Welcome! Copyright (C) 2018 natchi92 " << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; // ------------------------- Demo 1 - Simulation ------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------------------- std::cout << "------------ Performing Simulation " "of CO2 model -----------" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; // Define time horizon for simulation int T1 = 32; // Number of monte carlo simulations int monte = 5000; // Initial continuous variable // number of continuous variables int num_c = 2; arma::mat x_init = arma::ones(num_c, monte); // Initialise random generators std::random_device rand_dev; std::mt19937 generator(rand_dev()); // normal distribution defined with a mean and a variance // d{mean, variance} std::normal_distribution d1{450, 25}; std::normal_distribution d2{17, 2}; for (size_t i = 0; i < monte; ++i) { x_init(0, i) = d1(generator); x_init(1, i) = d2(generator); } std::vector X = {x_init}; // Initial discrete mode q_0 = (E,C) int q0 = 0; // 0 = (E,C), 1 = (F,C), 2 = (F,O), 3 = (E,O) std::vector q_init = {q0*arma::ones(T1 + 1, monte)}; // Definition of control signal // Read from .txt/.mat file or define here as defined x_init arma::mat U = readInputSignal("../u.txt"); exdata_t data(X, U, q_init); // Get model from file shs_t cs4SHS("../CS4.mat", data); // To specify model manually // comment the previous line of code // i.e. shs_t cs4SHS("../CS4.mat'") // and then uncomment the following lines of code // which allow you to manually define the model // dynamics for each mode // --------------------------------------------- // Definition of Transition matrix /* arma::mat Tq= {{0.6, 0.4, 0, 0},{0.1, 0.15, 0.75, 0},{0, 0.25, 0.65, 0.1},{0, 0, 0.4, 0.6}}; // For mode q_0 = (E,C) arma::mat Aq0 = {{0.9957, 0},{2.6354e-5, 0.9868}}; arma::vec Bq0 = {{0},{0.9268}}; arma::mat Nq0 = {{-0.0152, 0},{0, -0.0463}}; arma::vec Fq0 = {{1.6211},{0.0012}}; arma::mat Gq0 = {{58.095, 0},{0, 3.97}}; ssmodels_t modelq0(Aq0,Bq0,Nq0,Fq0,Gq0); // For mode q_1 = (F,C) arma::mat Aq1 = {{0.9957, 0},{2.6354e-5, 0.9868}}; arma::vec Bq1 = {{0},{0.9268}}; arma::mat Nq1 = {{-0.0152, 0},{0, -0.0463}}; arma::vec Fq1 = {{7.6211},{0.3177}}; arma::mat Gq1 = {{58.095, 0},{0, 3.97}}; ssmodels_t modelq1(Aq1,Bq1,Nq1,Fq1,Gq1); // // For mode q_2 = (F,O) arma::mat Aq2 = {{0.9995, 0},{2.6354e-5, 0.9984}}; arma::vec Bq2 = {{0},{0.9268}}; arma::mat Nq2 = {{-0.0152, 0},{0, -0.0463}}; arma::vec Fq2 = {{6.1953},{0.0393}}; arma::mat Gq2 = {{58.095, 0},{0, 3.97}}; ssmodels_t modelq2(Aq2,Bq2,Nq2,Fq2,Gq2); // // For mode q_3 = (E,O) arma::mat Aq3 = {{0.9995, 0},{2.6354e-5, 0.9984}}; arma::vec Bq3 = {{0},{0.9268}}; arma::mat Nq3 = {{-0.0152, 0},{0, -0.0463}}; arma::vec Fq3 = {{0.1953},{0.0012}}; arma::mat Gq3 = {{58.095, 0},{0, 3.97}}; ssmodels_t modelq3(Aq3,Bq3,Nq3,Fq3,Gq3); std::vector models = {modelq0, modelq1, modelq2, modelq3}; shs_t cs4SHS(Tq, models, data);*/ // -------------------------------------------- // Library (1 - simulator, 2 - faust^2, 3 = imdp) int lb = 1; // Specify task to be performed taskSpec_t cs4Spec(lb, T1, monte); // Combine model and associated task inputSpec_t cs4Input(cs4SHS, cs4Spec); // Perform Task performTask(cs4Input); std::cout << "----------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << "------------Completed Simulation : Results in results " "folder -----------" << std::endl; /* // Get model from file //shs_t cs1SHS("../CS1.mat"); // To specify model manually // comment the previous line of code // i.e. shs_t cs1SHS("../CS1.mat'") // and then uncomment the following lines of code // (i.e. lines 51-55) which allow you to manually // the model dynamics using the kernel Tx = \N(Aqix, Gqi) where // \N is the normal distribution with mean and variance // --------------------------------------------- arma::mat Aq0 = {{0.935, 0},{0, 0.9157}}; arma::mat Gq0 = {{1.7820, 0},{0, 0.5110}}; ssmodels_t model(Aq0,Gq0); std::vector models = {model}; shs_t cs1SHS(models); // -------------------------------------------- // Specify verification task // Starting with FAUST^2 std::cout << "Formal verification via FAUST^2" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; // Define max error // Maximal error to obtain specific state space sizes // -------------------------------------------------------- // State space size| 576 | 1089 | 2304 | 3481 | 4225 // ________________________________________________________ // Max Error | 2.5 | 1.8 | 1.25 | 1.02 | 0.90 // -------------------------------------------------------- // Define max error for 2304 states double eps =1.8; // Define safe set arma::mat Safe = {{18, 24}, {18, 24}}; // Define grid type // (1 = uniform, 2 = adaptive (global lipschitz), 3 = adaptive (local lipschitz)) // For comparison with IMDP we use uniform grid int gridType = 2; // Time horizon int K = 3; // Library (1 = simulator, 2 = faust^2, 3 = imdp) int lb = 2; // Property type // (1 = verify safety, 2= verify reach-avoid, 3 = safety synthesis, 4 = reach-avoid synthesis) int p = 1; // Task specification taskSpec_t cs1SpecFAUST(lb, K, p, Safe,eps, gridType); // Combine model and associated task inputSpec_t cs1InputFAUST(cs1SHS, cs1SpecFAUST); // Perform Task performTask(cs1InputFAUST); // Perform Task std::cout << " Done with with FAUST^2 " << std::endl; std::cout << "----------------------------------------" << std::endl;*/ }